Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Linux with its power!!

Today, I will discuss on compatibility of Linux over windows. Linux is a kernel and thus a open source system which provides you a amazing Graphical user interface(GUI) over windows (even windows 8). There are many different organizations which provide such type of kernels among which most popular are Ubuntu, RedHat and backtrack is the most popular one which is used for security purpose mostly. There are others too like fedora. For complete list of distribution you can visit
The amazing thing about linux is that it is completely virus free. Virus free doesn't means that virus can't be created for linux but there are so much less users that crackers don't bother to create any for it. So, if you want your system to be virus free you can download and install linux on your system anytime. For ubuntu you can download its latest version from . You can select your graphic version i.e. 32 bit or 64 bit. For further help you can post your query and I will get back to you as soon as possible.Cheers!!

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